Universities in Nigeria Offering History and Archaeology

Some universities in Nigeria dont offer a combined course in history and archaeology, which may be referred to as history with archaeology. This post aims to provide information on this course and answer frequently asked questions.

Universities in Nigeria Offering History and Archaeology

Only one university in Nigeria offers a combined history and archaeology program. These courses allow students to explore ancient civilizations, significant historical events, and cultural heritage preservation. By studying history and archaeology, students discover the mysteries of the past and gain valuable insights into human societies and cultures.

In addition, History and archaeology courses teach students critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, and a deeper appreciation for the past’s complexities. Through lectures, research, and fieldwork, students learn to interpret historical evidence, analyze primary sources, and understand the socio-cultural contexts that shape our world today.

Furthermore, Studying history and archaeology has practical applications in education, heritage management, museum curation, and cultural tourism. Graduates of these programs can pursue careers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and cultural organizations.

Below is the university that offers these courses.

State Universities in Nigeria Offering History and Archaeology

Taraba State University is the only university in Nigeria that offers this combined course

  • Taraba State University, Jalingo P.M.B. 116, Jalingo Taraba State Nigeria.

Is History and Archaeology a Hard University Course in Nigeria?

Studying History and Archaeology at a Nigerian university can be challenging due to the extensive research and critical analysis involved. Fieldwork adds complexity but enriches the learning experience. However, with dedication and access to resources, students can successfully navigate these challenges and find studying history and archaeology immensely rewarding.

Is History and Archaeology a Good University Course in Nigeria?

Studying History and Archaeology at a Nigerian university offers valuable insights into human civilization, fosters critical thinking, and opens diverse career opportunities. Also, It’s a rewarding course for those passionate about understanding the past and contributing to cultural preservation.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study History and Archaeology?

The duration of studying History and Archaeology in Nigeria varies depending on the program and the desired level of proficiency. Typically, undergraduate programs span four years and cover foundational to advanced topics in both disciplines.

Furthermore, postgraduate or advanced studies in history and archaeology can extend the duration, typically lasting one to two years or more for master’s and doctoral degrees.

Which University is the Best for Studying History and Archaeology?

Only Taraba State University offers this program, and no other university provides this course in History and Archaeology. In this regard, choosing the best university should not be the main focus if you study this course in Nigeria.

Where can History and Archaeology Graduates Work in Nigeria?

History and Archaeology university graduates in Nigeria have diverse career opportunities. They can work in museums, education, archaeological fieldwork, heritage management, tourism, and research.


In summary, this post provides the full list of universities in Nigeria that offer history and archaeology. Lastly, students who wish to study this course should check the school requirements.


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