Universities in Nigeria Offering Communication and Language Arts

This article provides a comprehensive list of Universities in Nigeria Offering Communication and Language Arts programs and answers some frequently asked questions about the subject.

Universities in Nigeria Offering Communication and Language Arts

Communication and Language Arts is a multidisciplinary field that explores the effective use of language for communication and literacy. Also, It combines communication studies, linguistics, literature, rhetoric, and language education to understand how language shapes human interaction and expression.

In this field, students learn communication theory to grasp the fundamental dynamics of human communication, including interpersonal and mass communication, persuasion, and ethics. Concurrently, language study focuses on language’s structure, function, and cultural aspects, covering phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Literary analysis explores language creatively, while rhetoric and composition focus on effective communication and persuasion techniques.

Furthermore, Language education helps people learn language proficiency through teaching and assessments. Communication and Language Arts equip students with skills to navigate diverse communication contexts and contribute to societal discourse.

If you’re a student interested in this course, refer to the list below for universities that offer this course.

Federal University Offering Communication and Language Arts

The University of Ibadan in Oyo State is Nigeria’s sole federal institution offering Communication and Language Arts. Renowned for its academic excellence and comprehensive curriculum, the university provides students with a robust education in communication theory, linguistics, literature, and language education.

Is Communication and Language Arts a Good Course?

Studying Communication and Language Arts in Nigeria is an excellent choice as it offers versatile skills applicable to various industries, fosters critical thinking and effective communication abilities, and provides practical training for successful careers.

How Many Years Does It Take to Study this Course?

In Nigeria, a bachelor’s degree in Communication and Language Arts takes four years. Advanced studies, like Master’s degrees, can add one to two more years, depending on the program’s structure and research requirements.

Which University is the Best for Studying this Course?

Only the University of Ibadan offers this program, and no other university provides this course in Communication and Language Arts. In this regard, choosing the best university will be difficult, although UI is one of the best universities in Nigeria.

Where can Communication and Language Arts Graduates?

Communication and Language Arts University graduates in Nigeria can work in media organizations, advertising agencies, public relations firms, corporate communication departments, government agencies, nonprofits, educational institutions, and freelance roles.


In conclusion, Communication and Language Arts is a suitable university course in Nigeria. However, candidates who wish to study this course must meet the school’s requirements, such as the JAMB and WAEC combination, to increase their chances of admission.


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