Surely, what You will get here is the complete steps on How to Undo a Hidden Post on Facebook as people are looking for it. There are so many activities pertaining to the use of the Facebook App. As its features are so many to the extent that one gets to search for the steps or activities to undo some certain features.
However, this article will be detailedly or explicitly given the steps to reverse one’s action in the case of undoing a Hidden Post on Facebook. And in addition to it will also be given some other important information related to the subject matter.
Moreover, what do you understand by Hidden Post? These are posts that are kept private in your Facebook account. In so doing, to prevent the public from seeing it on your timeline or recent posts.
Meaning of Hidden from Profile on Facebook
Meanwhile, the answer to the above sub-topic will be given in this section of the article. Hence, there is just this to it.
- When something you have shared on Facebook is hidden from your profile, it simply means it won’t be seen by people whenever they visit your profile.
Therefore, being able to understand the above answer or explanation, should definitely or certainly give you the upper hand in understanding what the subject matter entails.
How to Find Your Hidden Post on Facebook
If you are unable to find your hidden posts on Facebook if you aren’t interested in knowing how to undo the hidden post on Facebook. Then, pay attention to this section of the article as it will give out the basics steps on how to find it without stress or problem. Therefore, there are just these steps.
They are;
- First and foremost, the list of filters along the left side of the page should be scanned.
- After which you then make sure the Hidden from Timeline filter is clicked. So as to be able to see all the hidden posts you happened to hide since the time your account was opened.
- Afterwards, the “Hidden from Timeline” button should be clicked.
- Lastly, on the page, in reverse chronological order, all Hidden content are listed out by Facebook.
How to Undo a Hidden Post on Facebook
Now, the steps on how to Undo your Hidden Post on Facebook will be given in this section of the article. Thus, pay your utmost attention to it as the steps are stated below.
- Make a selection of the Activity Log from the three-dotted menu near your cover photo.
- Then Unhide a post on Facebook. You can do this by making a click on the “Filter” link. Also and choose the “Hidden from Timeline” option once you are in your Activity Log.
Thus, have explained and understood what the subject matter entails all about. You should certainly be able to undo your hidden post on Facebook from henceforth.
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