How to Create Your Own Personalized WhatsApp Stickers in 2021

Today, I will show You How to Create Your Own Personalized WhatsApp Stickers as one can use them to express themselves when chatting. So, for those of You looking for means to create your personal WhatsApp stickers this article contains a good guide on how to do it.

How to Create Your Very Own Free WhatsApp Stickers

Also, WhatsApp stickers always serve as means to annoy someone on social media right now is the use of stickers. Someone will spend about 10 minutes typing a message of about 500 words after doing so, the recipient of the message will just reply with a simple sticker. It’s quite annoying and fun to use, that was why it took over the internet by storm.

About the WhatsApp Sticker Feature

The way around which we create WhatsApp Messenger stickers is increasing on a daily basis and getting better in the process. We all love and use WhatsApp stickers which became an instant hit when it was released a few years ago. Creating stickers is easy as I have said the process keeps getting better.

Nowadays you have the option to customize your sticker directly on the WhatsApp application yourself. Customizing and personalizing your sticker is one of the best things to suit all your moods and situations. So that you will always have a sticker for any situation which is quite annoying if you ask me.

If you are wondering why do I keep referring to stickers as annoying that is because they are annoying. I personally do not really love stickers that much And I have never used one before.

Different Ways to Create Personalized Stickers

There are a lot of ways to create your own personalized sticker of yourself.  Some of the ways include downloading background eraser and blah blah blah. In this article, I will be giving you the easiest way to create your personalized sticker with your picture. One of the best things about creating your personalized sticker is that WhatsApp does not require any approval to use it.

How to Create Your Own Personalized WhatsApp Stickers in 2021

Without any more further delay in time let’s quickly run through the steps on how you can personalize your own WhatsApp stickers in 2021. Note that these steps and process is quite tedious but easy to do.

  • First things first head over to your Play Store or app store and update your WhatsApp to the latest version.
  • The next thing is to go to your app store or Play Store and download the “Personal Stickers” application.
  • Now open the personal sticker application and tap on “Create new sticker pack”.
  • Enter the details of your sticker pack.
  • The next thing is to select an image or capture a new one to use for your sticker.
  • You can also select multiple images and put them in separate folders or albums.
  • Make sure your images are in “PNG” because WhatsApp only accepts stickers in PNG.
  • Select a lead image for your sticker and tap on next
  • If the image you selected does not have a good background then use the Background Eraser Tool to remove the background.
  • Load the photo into your personalized sticker application and then reside to how you want it.
  • Now go to your WhatsApp and add as many stickers you have created to your WhatsApp application. Do this by clicking on Add sticker.


With the above steps, You will be able to create your own WhatsApp Stickers anytime You want. So, users that come across pictures, Gifs and short video scenes they like can always be able to convert them to WhatsApp stickers if they want.

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