How to Get the Tumblr App on Your Apple Smart Watch

Absolutely, What You are going to get in this article is the complete and sure steps on How to Get Tumblr on Your Apple watch. Tumblr as we all know is one of the most used and the most famous social media platforms. Over the course of the years, we have seen so many social media platforms rise up only to go downfall down flat.

How to Get Tumblr App on Your Apple Smart Watch

Tumblr is still one of the few ones that are still being used by so many people. Most of those people using the Tumblr application have an Apple watch on their wrist. As a result, they will love to get and use Tumblr on the Apple watch.

There is only one problem with this reasoning, which is the fact that they do not know to carry out this process.

Details About Using Tumblr on Apple Watch

One of the major reasons why people do home an Apple watch is the fact that it is a great addition to their apple smartphones. Telling your apple smartwatch with your iPhone is one of the best things you can ever think of in life. It is almost as if you have a mini iPhone on your wrist and you do not need to take up your iPhone from your pocket.

There are several social media applications all of which are third-party that are present on the Apple store on your smartwatch. However, there is no third party or official application for Tumblr on the Apple Store.

This means that you cannot download and install any application that will let you use Tumblr on your Apple watch. It is just as if the Tumblr application does not get much attention from third-party app creators. So they did not make an app for it on your Apple watch.

That being said although you cannot download and install Tumblr directly on your Apple watch. You can still make use of it where notifications.

Tumblr for Smartwatch

Be it the latest model of the Apple watch it is impossible to get an application to use Tumblr on it because it has not been made. But as I said above it is still possible to use Tumblr on your apple smartwatch through notifications. If you own an Apple Smart Watch buy now you already know how notifications work on it.

Notifications work when your Apple Watch is paired with your iPhone and when your screen is off you get all notifications from your phone on your Apple watch. However, notifications have to be turned on for each individual app to receive on your watch. So the only way to get Tumblr on your iPhone is to enable notifications for it on your watch.

How to Get Tumblr on Your Apple Watch

Now that you have seen the only possible way to get Tumblr on your smartwatch follows the below possible to activate notifications for it.

  • Take off your iPhone and open the Apple Watch application on it.
  • Tap on notifications.
  • Now scroll down to where you have Tumblr and tap on it.
  • Now some applications will let you customise your notifications with three possible options which are listed below:
  • Allow all notifications.
  • Send to notifications centre
  • Notifications off.

All you have to do is select any of the three options to get notifications for Tumblr on your Apple watch.

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