5 Secrets of All First Class Students in Nigeria

Want to know the secrets of a first-class student in Nigeria? First-class students are normal students like you! Guess you already knew that right? There are a lot of things these people you admire know and doFollow the article to find out.

5 Secrets of a First Class Student in Nigeria

Top 5 Secrets of First-Class Students in Nigeria

Watching them as they pass every course with flying colors and never having carryovers or so-overs in any course. Wanting to be like them is not very hard, all you need is discipline to adhere to the tip that will be given. Here are the top 5 secrets of a first-class student in Nigeria.


I know someone may ask, Is there any difference between studying and reading? Well, there is.

When you pick up a book and you’re just reading it, You don’t make effort to jot down salient points, You don’t make effort to memorize points, then you’re just reading that book. If you read your school book the same way you would read a novel, then you’re not studying and to a great extent, you might end up not remembering up to 10 percent of what you’ve read.

As a student, how much you read during your study hours is not as sacrosanct as how much you remember after that study period. It’s not how many pages you covered that matters but to what extent you understand, can recall, and can reproduce what you have studied.


Research has it that you remember a much larger percentage of what you hear compared to what you read. Some students have the wrong notion that it is very okay to ditch classes and just copy notes from your classmates. That is fallacious!

Attending classes is something you must not compromise if you plan to graduate with flying colors. Sometimes, if you pay attention in class, you may have to just read a little more before you grasp the concept totally. Someone who missed a class might spend up to 2 hours trying to understand something his mate who attended the class used 30 minutes to grasp totally. Believe me, this is no exaggeration.

There is really no alternative to attending classes and paying attention while lectures are going on. Seating in the front row is also very advisable as it could help you avoid distractions during classes.


“What I was taught in class is not enough!”, “The notes I was given are not enough!” That is the mindset of a first-class student. You must be ready to read textbooks and search the internet for related information to what you were taught in class.

Research helps you understand a topic much better. This would be reflected in a theoretical test of your knowledge.

Taking the pain to do extra research pays a lot.

4. THEY KNOW HOW TO TEST THEMSELVES – Also of the Secrets of a First Class Student in Nigeria

“If you judge yourself, you will not be judged”. As a student with the goal of excelling academically, you must never be scared of testing yourself on what you have been taught or what you have studied.

Try to remember what you have studied, if you don’t remember, then read it up again. Try this continuously till it sticks.
Learn to always give yourself tests.


Most times, the daytime is filled with so many activities. You might not have time to read enough. Astute students take advantage of the Night to study extensively. Note that sleep is also important but when the need arises, they are ready to forfeit it in order to cover much course work.

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