Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Mining Engineering

Universities in Nigeria that offer Mining Engineering are few. So, suppose you are a student looking forward to Studying this course in Nigeria. This article is perfect for you because we will give you a list of Nigeria Universities Offering Mining Engineering.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Mining Engineering

Before diving into this list, we will give you a quick explanation of this course. Mining engineering is a branch of engineering that involves discovering, extracting, and processing minerals from the Earth. As a mining engineer, you are responsible for designing and overseeing the construction of mines, ensuring the efficient and safe extraction of valuable resources such as coal, metals, and minerals.

The important thing you need to know about Mining Engineering

  • The course can take up to five years to study at the university, depending on the institution.
  • It is a very competitive course, as few universities in Nigeria offer it.
  • Students should make sure they register the right Subject combination for this course.
  • Lastly, there are many job opportunities for this position in Nigeria. As we all know, Nigeria has plenty of natural resources, so there will always be a need for mining engineering students.

Without wasting time, let us dive into the list. This list will be categorised into federal and state universities. Below is the full list of universities in Nigeria offering mining engineering.

Nigeria Federal Universities Offering Mining Engineering

Few universities in Nigeria offer mining engineering courses. However, these schools are top-notch institutions where you can study this course. Below is a list of all federal Universities that offer mining engineering.

State Universities

There is a complete list of state universities that offer this course in Nigeria. Although, there are only two universities in Nigeria that offer this course. They are;


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