Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Land Surveying

This post will cover the list of universities in Nigeria offering Land surveying. Also, this post will cover the list of UTME subject combinations required by JABM for this course in the section below. Before listing the universities offering this course, let’s quickly discuss Land surveying, its advantages and the role of land surveyors.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Land Surveying

Firstly, Land surveying is a scientific procedure used to measure the dimensions of a specific area on the earth’s surface. This includes measuring horizontal distances, directions, angles, and elevations.

The role of a land surveyor is to determine the location of natural and man-made objects on the earth’s surface and record this information for future planning purposes. In addition, land surveyors can work in various sectors, including urban planning, construction, real estate, and environmental management.

Furthermore, Land surveying has numerous benefits, including clarifying property boundaries, discovering easements, accurate land valuation, precise land surveying, avoiding boundary disputes, determining property value, and dividing properties. In the section below, we will list Nigerian universities that offer courses in this field.

Federal Universities in Nigeria Offering Land Surveying

The Ahmadu bello university is the only federal university that offers this course, and it is located in Zaria, Kaduna state.

State Universities Offering Land Surveying

Only three state universities offer this course, and they happen to be in the southern part of Nigeria.


In conclusion, We have explored the list of universities in Nigeria that offer land surveying courses. As we have learned, land surveying is an important field that has applications in various sectors, including urban planning, construction, real estate, and environmental management.

Land surveying offers boundary clarification, accurate land valuation, and dispute avoidance. Pursuing a degree in this field can lead to job opportunities related to spatial data collection, analysis, and management.


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