SSF Industrial PhD student 2024

This is to inform the public about the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) Industrial Ph.D. Student Program 2024. Details about the Program are given below.

 SSF Industrial PhD student 2024

SSF invests SEK 39 million in research and postgraduate training for 12 industrial doctoral students. The aim of the call is to strengthen the collaboration between academia and industry. The grant must result in a doctoral degree.

The program shall contribute to excellent research in the areas SSF prioritiezed areas: natural science, technology and medicine. Joint doctoral students between industry and university increase cooperation between the sectors, drive innovations, while at the same time doctors with high attractiveness for Swedish industry are examined.

Program Details

The initiative applies to people who have not yet been admitted to postgraduate studies. During the grant period, the doctoral student must conduct research and be at least 80 percent employed by a company, and have two supervisors, one at the university and one at the company. The institution must be Swedish.

The main applicant is the supervisor of the doctoral student at the university. Co-applicants are supervisors at the company. The definition of business also includes hospitals to cover medical/clinical research.

 SSF Industrial PhD student Eligibility

The grant provides funding for research and postgraduate studies within natural science,
engineering, or medicine for an industrial doctoral student in collaboration between
industry and academia. At least two qualified persons shall serve as main supervisors for
the doctoral student during the entire grant period – one at a higher education institution
(HEI) and one at a company. The supervisors shall be well-established within their
respective organizations. The two supervisors, in unity, constitute the steering group for
the project.

  • The main applicant is the main supervisor of the doctoral student at the HEI and is
    responsible for reporting to SSF. The HEI, where the main applicant is employed,
    administers the grant. The HEI must be Swedish. The main applicant must be employed
    and active to at least 80 percent at the HEI.
  • The co-applicant is the supervisor at the company. The co-applicant must be employed
    and active in at least 80 percent of the company. The company must be commercially
    sound with respect to the responsibility for the doctoral student’s work over several years and possess enough competence to both contribute to and benefit from the knowledge gained in the project over the short and long term. The company shall normally be registered in Sweden or close enough to Sweden that the exchange is feasible and can be justified strategically for Sweden. Furthermore, there must be no questionable personal ownership relationship between academia and business. Instead of a company, the industrial party may also be a hospital if the project involves clinical research. Industrial research institutes or similar organizations may not represent either the academic or the industrial party in this call for proposals.
  • The industrial doctoral student must not be admitted to doctoral studies at the time ofapplication. The industrial doctoral student does not need to be identified at the time of application but must be admitted to the industrial doctoral program and employed at the company before the start of this project. The doctoral student must be at least 80 per cent employed by the company for the entire grant period. The doctoral student shall devote the equivalent of four years of full-time work to the project and is expected to share her or his time between the university and the company. Beyond that, up to 20
    per cent of the doctoral student’s working hours can be devoted to other activities, such as departmental duties, if this work is funded by the HEI. An applicant may only submit one application, this applies to both main applicant and coapplicant. A main applicant who has an ongoing SSF industrial doctoral student grant is not eligible to apply if there is a grant period overlap between the two grants.

How to Apply

For those interested in the SSF Industrial PhD student 2024. Open this link to start the application process. The application must include (in addition to other information specified in the portal):
  • Research plan, including scientific state-of-the-art (5 pages). It must be
    formulated jointly by the company and the HEI and include planned activities
    between the company and the HEI.
  • CV and list of publications for both applicants.
  • Letters of intent from both the academic and the industrial party, describing the
    commitment to the project, written by the department head (or equivalent) at the
    HEI and the research director (or equivalent) at the company. Both parties shall
    ensure that the necessary practical arrangements are in place. In addition, it
    should be certified that the supervisors have the support and time allocated for
    this purpose.
  • Brief description and required qualifications of the prospective doctoral student.
  • Strategic relevance and expected societal impact in a 10-15-year timeframe.
  • Provide a description of how intellectual property rights will be handled contractually.
  • Budget.
  • Description of the company with details such as corporate ID number, number of
    employees, net/gross turnover, business activities and a link to the webpage.
  • Description of any dependencies (current or former) between the company, the
    doctoral student, the HEI and the supervisors.
Note that all Foundation records are open to the public (offentlighetsprincipen}. For this
reason, do not send material that may not be made public at the present time, for
example because it might risk future patenting.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 21 May 2024.

Open this link for more details about SSF Industrial PhD student 2024.

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