13 Happy New Month Prayer to Send Your Grandfather in April 2023

If you are looking for a new month prayer to can send to your grandfather in this new month of April, you are in the right place. After all, prayer is the key, it is best to start of a new month with a prayer to get the best out of the month.

13 Happy New Month Prayer for Your Grandfather in April 2023

13 Happy New Month Prayer to Send Your Grandfather in April 2023

These are some of the prayers that will help in turning the life of your grandfather for the better. And, they include:

1. Versatility

Hence, I pray that versatility will be present in your life. And, will help you with your journey. So, happy new month grandpa.

2. Better Relationship with your Siblings

Your relationship with your siblings will grow stronger and stronger as time passes. And, you will be able to boost one another.

3. Clear Sight is Among the New Month Prayer for your Grandfather in April

I pray that in this new month, God will grant you a very sight, the ability to see ahead and to reach properly. So shall it be for you in the New month. Happy new month, we hope you enjoy it.

4. Mercy

In this new month, you will receive mercy from God. Also, you will also receive mercy from those around you. A happy new month to you, wishing you the very best this month.

5. Wisdom

Wisdom is the principle thing, it is significant in anything, decision-making, speaking and so many ways. So, in this new month, I pray that wisdom from God will be made manifest in your life. Enjoy the new month.

6. Love is Included in the New Month Prayer points for your Grandfather in April

Wherever you find yourself, you will be loved by everyone around you, friends and family included. In addition, you will be able to love those around you. Some other effective prayers for your grandfather.

7. Abstinence from Sin

In this new month, you can keep yourself from sin and its grip on your life. In addition, as you stay away from sin, it will be further away from you.

8. Time with God

In this new month, the time you spend with God will take great improvements. You will be able to spend more time praying and worshipping without weakness. In addition, as you do this, your relationship with God will improve. Happy new month, the best is yours this month.

9. Ideas: New Month Prayer points for your Grandfather in April

Hence, I pray that God will grant you good ideas. However, these ideas will take you to the next level and also to a greater level than you have ever been. Moreover, your family will benefit from these ideas. Enjoy the month of April.

10. Opportunities

In this new month, as God gives you good ideas, He will also provide opportunities for you to make meaning out of those ideas. Furthermore, everything you need to fully use this opportunity, He will make available. So, enjoy the new month, April will bring more opportunities for you.

11. God’s Covering  is Among Grandfather New Month April Prayer

Now, God will cover you from all the plans, designs, and weapons of the enemy fashioned against you in this new month. And, He will also protect your entire family from the enemies weapons.

12. Prayer against Evil Imagination

Every evil imagination the enemy tries to plant in your mind, I uproot it and cast it into the abyss, back to where it came from. So, let your mind be free from all plans of the enemy. So, wishing you a happy new month, April will bring you great new gifts.

13. Mercy from God

May the lord almighty have mercy on every area of your life and that of every member of your household. So, wishing you all the best of this new month my dearest grandfather.


Lastly, never think you’re prayers are not effective in the lives of your friends or family. Because, prayer can go a long way, even into the future. And, keep praying and keep being thankful to the Lord.

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