18 Happy New Month Prayer to Send Your Imamย inย Aprilย 2023

You should always note that your Imam also needs prayer as they enter the new month of April. So, here, you will get to see some amazing prayers you should really consider sending to your Imam.

18 Happy New Month Prayer for Your Imam in April 2023

9 April New Month Prayer for Your Male Imam

Below are some new month prayers You can send Your male imam.

1. Understanding

I pray that you receive a greater level of understanding, even beyond your pairs. In addition, youโ€™ll be able to share with those around you.

2. Spiritual Enlightenment

In this new month, as you grow physically, you will also grow spiritually. Also, you will lead others to a greater level of spiritual understanding. Happy new month.

3. The ability to Teach others is One of the April Prayer Points for your Imam in the New Month

Hence, I pray that you will be a great leader, and a good example to those around you. Also, be an exemplary teacher to all those around you. Happy new month, have a great month.

4. Provision

In this new month, all your needs will be taken care of, and everything you need will be provided. Furthermore, the needs of your family members will be taken care of. Enjoy the blessings contained in the New month.

5. Good Health

Good health is your portion going forward into this new month of April. Everything causing bad health is now separated from your life. Have a great time in the month of April.

6. Protection: New Month Prayer for Your Imam this April

In this new month, no evil will befall you or your family, and none of those around you will suffer any form of danger. Happy new month, wishing you the very best.

7. Prayer

Your strength in prayer will not diminish. Moreover, you will want to spend more time praying and worshipping.

8. Closeness to Family

As a leader to those around you, you will also be a proper leader to the family you have. And, your family will not stray into the part of sin.

9. A Good Relationship with Allah is Among the April Prayer for your Imam in the New Month

Your relationship with God in this new month will become better. In addition, as a leader, you will help to strengthen the relationship between the people and God. Enjoy the new month of April.

9 April New Month Prayer for Your Female Imam

Below are some new month prayers You can send female imam.

1. Acceptance

Those around you will treat you right, and where a promotion is deserved, you will definitely get it. So, go forward and begin to enjoy this new month. Happy new month.

2. Joy

In this new month, you will experience joy like never before. Joy to an extent you cannot even understand. In addition, you will be able to share your joy with those around you.

3. Assistance is Among the Prayer points for your Imam in the New Month of April

Hence, I pray for you, in any situation where you need help or assistance, there will always be someone available to render the help you need. In addition, you will be able to help those around you. Also, enjoy this wonderful new month.

4. Forward Movement

In this new month, everything you do will lead to forward movement and greater Progress than ever before. Also, you will not be taken backward.

5. Ability to Inspire others

You will become a big inspiration to those you find around you. And, when people look at you and your life, they will have a strong desire to become better people.ย  Happy new month.

6. Quick Learning: April New Month Prayer for your Imam

As you read, you will be able to quickly pick up anything you read. Also, your time spent reading and studying will never be a waste. In addition, you will be able to pass on the knowledge you gained.

7. Abstinence from Sin

In this new month, the ability to stay away from sin is yours. Also, situations wonโ€™t make you feel a sinful urge.

8. Good People around you

Hence, I pray that those around you will be a positive influence in your life. Constantly making you want to improve.

9. Favor: New Month Prayer for your Imam in April

Wherever you find yourself, in every area, you will always be favored by those around you. So, wishing you the best of this new month.


In this new month, we feel that definitely, these prayer points will be effective in the life of your Imam. Also, it will help in motivating him to do the work of Allah well. So, always note that they are humans too, and also need your prayer to guide them rightly.

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