To all those concerned, this article will be giving you detailed information on the University of Jos in short “UNIJOS” IJMB Resumption Date for the 2020/2021 Academic Session. The resumption date for the commencement of the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme of the University of Jos under the NON-NUC Funded Programme (NNUCFP) for 2020/2021 has been announced by the management of UNIJOS.
 UNIJOS 2020/2021 IJMB Programme Resumption Date
Students who have been offered admission into the IJMB programme are to take into cognizance that payment of the prescribed fees for the new session has resumed immediately while sessional registration and lectures will begin with effect from Tuesday, December 1st, 2020.
The management of UNIJOS will strictly enforce the adherence to all COVID 19 protocols especially the use of face masks, sanitizers, and the observance of social distancing. All students are there advised to comply accordingly.
Also, the sale of application forms for admission into the University of Jos IJMB programme for the 2020/2021 academic session is still ongoing. The form can be obtained by candidates who are interested in the cost of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Naira (N7,500.00) only.