9 Tips for Writing an Essay on Environmental Pollution

Are you looking for the best way of writing an essay on the topic of environmental pollution, well this write-up is here to help you with 9 tips for writing an essay on the above topic.

Environmental Pollution Essay Tips; Top 9 Tips

How Do You Write an Essay on Environmental Pollution?

Writing an essay on the topic of environmental pollution is quite simple. The topic itself is self-explanatory. However, to write this essay you should know that your essay must have the following;

  • An introductory paragraph
  • Your body should have at least 4 points each on different paragraphs
  • A concluding paragraph

Moreover, if you think you may need a little assistance with writing this essay, you should check out the 9 tips on how to write an essay on environmental pollution;

9 Tips to Use and Write an Essay on Environmental Pollution 

  1. Outline 4 Points for Your Body Paragraphs

The first thing you do when given any topic to write on is to get an outline of what your essay will look like. This exercise helps individuals not get lost while writing their essays, it makes it easier for you to write without forgetting anything you want to write.  You should outline at least 4 points for your body.

  1. Explain Your Topic in Your Introduction

For your introductory paragraph, you must explain the topic you are writing about. In this case, you should give a little definition of environmental pollution. However, you may begin by saying what the environment means and what pollution means also. You can then link the two words to explain the topic.

  1. Give the Causes of Environmental Pollution

Under any of your body paragraphs, you should be able to provide what environmental pollution is caused by. Giving your readers the causes of environmental pollution will help them understand more about it and give them ideas on how to tackle it.

  1. Explain the Different Types of Pollution

Also, as one of your points, you can give the different types of environmental pollution. You can proceed by giving a brief definition of each of the types of environmental pollution.

  1. Explain the Effect of Environmental Pollution

Now that you have given your readers the causes and types of environmental pollution. You should head on by telling your readers the result of environmental pollution. Write to them about what they should expect in the case of any type of environmental pollution.

  1. Provide Ways How to Prevent Environmental Pollution

After writing to your readers about the causes & effects of environmental pollution, you should be able to stay down some ways how to prevent them.  Maybe for some areas where they haven’t experienced environmental pollution yet. Give them preventive measures against environmental pollution to avoid it in the future.

  1. Provide Solutions in Your Conclusion

After you have written down your body, you should then move forward to your conclusion. In your conclusion, you should provide a solution to people who are already suffering from environmental pollution. These solutions are going to be measures taken by the environment to curb pollution.

  1. Proofreading & Make Use of Transition Words

Once you are done writing the essay, there are a few things for you to do to make your essay look perfect.  One important thing to do is to do proofreading, that is go through your essay to find any typographical errors or grammar mistakes.

Also, it is advisable to use transition words in your essay. It makes your essay look more mature. Examples of such transition words to use are; moreover, furthermore, however, therefore, also, etc.

  1. Ensure that your Essay is very Easy to Read.

Another important thing you need to consider for your readers is to ensure that your essay does not contain many extravagant words. You should try and make your essay very clear and understandable to read to anyone using simple words.


Lastly, you should remember that while writing the essay on the topic of environmental pollution, you should not go outside the topic. That is, don’t write anything that is not related to environmental pollution. Also, while writing your essay, you should give examples of environmental pollution around your area or a place.

You can also check out this essay on environmental pollution as a guide on how your essay should be.

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