The Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic Disclaimer Notice on False Payment and Resumption | CHECK NOW

This is to inform those concerned about The Gateway ICT Polytechnic Disclaimer Notice on False Payment and Resumption. Details about the disclaimer notice are given below.

The Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic Disclaimer Notice on False Payment and Resumption | CHECK NOW

The management of the Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic has released a Disclaimer Notice on False Payment and Resumption. All prospective admission seekers of the above-named institution are to take note of the details of the notice released below.

The Gateway ICT Polytechnic Disclaimer Notice on False Payment and Resumption

Our attention has been drawn to a falsified document (GPS/AR2/VOL/215, dated 17th May 2021) directing ND1 Students to pay the sum of N15,000 for the collection of yellow files.

Students, staff, and the General public should disregard the above fraudulent payment and note that the collection of the yellow files is free for students who have completed their registration.

Further, the misleading information on resumption said as Saturday, May 22nd 2021 should be ignored. ND1 and HND1 examinations continue on Monday 24th May, 2021.

Management strongly recommends the usage of appropriate Chanel of information dissemination and frowns at the spread of fake news aimed at evoking unnecessary sensation.