State Universities vs Private Universities in Sokoto State Nigeria; Which is Better

There are a lot of differences between state universities and private universities in Sokoto state that you may not be aware of yet. Before you buy your admission form, you need to know precisely which of these universities you want to attend and why you want to attend them. Here, there are discussions on State University vs Private University in Sokoto State.

Sokoto State vs Private University; Which is Better? Check!

What are they

It is best to start by defining a thing before differentiating it from another. That is why the definition of a state university and a private university will help guide you in this article.

What are State Universities

The State Government owns all state universities in Nigeria. They operate under the management and administration of the State Government where they are built. For instance, the state university in Sokoto State belongs to the state Government of Sokoto State.

What are Private Universities

Private universities are owned by private entities or individuals independent of the state in which they are established. For instance, the private universities in Sokoto state are not under the control of the Sokoto state Government. Instead, they are free and independent from them.

Difference Between Federal & Private Universities

State universities are public institutions, while private universities are private ones. Funding for state universities comes primarily from State Governments, whereas the funding for private universities comes mainly from private organizations.

NUC Ranking

This is also important in the arguments on State University vs Private University in Sokoto State. NUC ranking is another criterion for distinguishing between the two types of universities aside from the funding and ownership of the two types of universities. It is the highest rank out of all the universities in Nigeria.

The NUC ranking is done nationally. That is to say, it is not a state-by-state rank. All the universities in Nigeria, private, state, and federal, are ranked nationally. However, some universities are absent from the list probably because they do not meet the specific standards the NUC ranking body is looking for.

NUC Ranking of the State Universities in Sokoto State

There are only two state universities in Sokoto State, and these are how NUC has ranked them;

  1. Sokoto State University: 140
  2. Shehu Shagari College of Education: Not available

NUC Ranking of the Private Universities in Sokoto State

There are only two private universities in Sokoto State, and these are how NUC has ranked them;

  1. Saisa University of Medical Science and Technology: Not available
  2. Northwest University Sokoto State: Not available

Which Has the Highest NUC Ranking

The highest is Sokoto State University. It is the only state and private university university with an NUC ranking, and the rest are absent.


This is also important in the arguments on State University vs Private University in Sokoto State. The Jamb cut-off mark is the minimum mark a student must score before the student can be offered admission into a university.

To clarify this, every university in Nigeria has its general jamb cut-off mark for students to meet up with and try as much as possible to score above that cut-off mark before they can be considered for admission. These are the various cut-off marks for the universities in Sokoto state.

Jamb Cut-off Mark of the State Universities in Sokoto State

  1. Sokoto State University:

Cut-off mark: 140 and above

  1. Shehu Shagari College of Education:

Cut-off mark: 140 and above

Jamb Cut-off Mark of the Private Universities in Sokoto State

  1. Saisa University of Medical Science and Technology:

Cut-off mark: 140 and above

  1. Northwest University Sokoto State:

Jamb cut-off mark for Art: 160 and above

Which Has the Highest Cut-off Mark

The private university, Northwest University Sokoto State, has the highest cut-off mark compared to the other private universities and the two state universities in Sokoto State.


A university’s diversity is another way to distinguish a state university from a private university. However, answers to this are assumption-based. The assumptions usually come from the region or the region of the state where the university is built.

What Tribe Majorly Attends the State Universities in Sokoto State

It is impossible to know the statistics of the tribes dominating the state universities, but it is possible to guess a good amount due to the state location. The state location is in the northwestern region of Nigeria. It is prone to more northwestern tribes than any other tribes.

What Tribe Majorly Attends the Private Universities in Sokoto State

Northwestern tribes such as the Hausa, Fulani, and Fulfulde-speaking tribes, as well as other tribes originating from the northwestern region, will be the most dominating tribes in the private universities in Sokoto state.

Which Has more Ethnic Group Mixture

State universities have more population than private universities. This, therefore, implies that the state universities in Sokoto state will have more ethnic group mixture than the private universities in Sokoto state.

School Fees 

One of the things that an aspiring university student should look out for is the school fees of any university. The following will help you with the state and private university school fees in Sokoto State.

The School Fees of the State Universities in Sokoto State

  1. Sokoto State University:

New students: ₦60,000

Returning students: ₦40,000

It is important to note that this fee is dynamic for art and science students and related medical courses.

  1. Shehu Shagari College of Education:

New students: ₦80,000 to ₦90,000

Returning students: ₦67,000 to ₦70,000

The School Fees of the Private Universities in Sokoto State

  1. Saisa University of Medical Science and Technology:

New Students: ₦2,700,000

200 level: ₦2,500,000

300 level: ₦2,000,000

400 level: ₦1,700,000

  1. Northwest University Sokoto State:

School Fees range for new students ₦600,000 to ₦700,000, depending on the course of study.

School Fees range for returning students: ₦450,000 to ₦500,000

Which is More Expensive

The private universities are more expensive, but the most costly is Saisa University of Medical Science and Technology.


Finally, this article has given major highlights to help distinguish between state universities and private universities in Sokoto State and help you select the university of your choice in Sokoto State.

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