Nigeria is the only country with a monotechnic, and so far, the Monotechnics in the country has produced some really nice students. if a monotechnic is your choice of higher institution, then you should check this content for the Full List of Monotechnics in Delta State.
What is a Monotechnic?
The term monotechnic is not common among a lot of Nigerians, so I would not be surprised if you are hearing about it for the first time. Monotechnic is not a worldwide word, and it is not found in a dictionary. The word is only used in Nigeria, and most especially from NBTE.
In Nigeria, there are about 47 monotechnic, and most of them are federal, while others are state and privately owned. There are still other monotechnic in the country, but some of those monotechnic are not accredited by NBTE. So far, Monotechnics are only found in Nigeria, and not so many of them are in the country.
List of Monotechincs in Delta State
The Full List of Monotechincs in Delta State includes the following. Delta state happens to have only one Monotechnic, and the institution is
Federal Monotechnics
Nigerian Naval Engineering College, Sapele, Delta State.