13 Interesting Facts About the People of Engenni (Ngene) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

There are lots of interesting facts about the people of Engenni ethnic group in Nigeria, also known as the Ngene ethnic group. These people are found mostly in Rivers state.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Engenni Ethnic Group

Most of the different ethnic groups in Nigeria have very rich cultural heritage and the people of Engenni ethnic group are not left out. There’s so much for you to learn.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Engenni (Ngene) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Engenni Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Origin; 

The Engenni people’s origin can be traced to the Niger Delta region. They are particularly at the banks of the Orashi River. Their settlement includes various communities, such as Engenni town, Egi, as well as Odiabidi.

2. Language

The people of Engenni speak the Engenni language which belongs to the Niger-Congo family. It serves as the major and primary means of communication among community members. It also has a unique tonal system and rich vocabulary.

3. Festivals

There are celebrations of amazing festivals such as the Egbirigiri as well as Iri-ji. During these events, traditional dances, masquerades, alongside rituals take place, showcasing the community’s rich cultural expressions.

4. Traditional Attire

The Engenni men usually wear a distinct attire called the “Daka.” It consists of a wrapper tied around the waist alongside a matching cap. Women adorn themselves with colourful wrappers, blouses, and also intricately designed accessories.

5. Music and Dance

The Engenni cultural music is made up of different beautiful sounds given by their local instruments like the ogene, ubo and also ekwe. Traditional dances like the Owubi as well as Odambe feature rhythmic movements accompanied by melodious tunes.

6. Art and Crafts

The Engenni people are popular for their exquisite craftsmanship. They have skilful artisans who create intricately carved wooden masks, pottery, as well as woven baskets, reflecting their artistic prowess.

7. Social Structure

The organisation of the Engenni society is into class and lineages. There is a high placement of value in social cohesion and community development in Engenni society.

8. Occupation

The Engenni people are majorly into Agriculture. They engage in farming activities, cultivating crops such as yam as well as cassava. They also cultivate plantain, and also palm produce, contributing to the region’s food security.

9. Beliefs

Engenni people have a deep-rooted belief in ancestral spirits and the supernatural. They engage in various rituals, including the propitiation of gods and ancestral spirits to ensure community well-being.

10. Masquerades

Masquerades play a significant role in Engenni cultural practices. They serve as mediators between the living and the spirit world. They also participate in ceremonies and events. This is to invoke blessings and protect the community.

11. Matrilineal Influence

Engenni society exhibits some matrilineal features, where kinship and inheritance are traceable through the mother’s lineage. This matrilineal influence contributes to the empowerment and social status of women within the community.

12. Education

Engenni communities have literate people and they are striving for different levels of educational advancements. With the modern system of education, lots of schools and institutions are being built. One of the interesting facts about the people of Engenni.

13. Community Development Efforts

Engenni communities actively engage in development initiatives, including infrastructure projects, healthcare programs, and youth empowerment schemes, fostering progress and sustainable growth.


The people of Engenni ethnic group in Nigeria have a lot of interesting things to learn about their culture that will give you a glimpse of how rich it is. Hope you were able to learn a few things.

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