13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

There are lots of interesting facts about the people of the Ekoi ethnic group, who are also referred to as the Ejagham people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group

It is a diverse and culturally rich community in Nigeria. There are a lot of interesting things to learn about this wonderful ethnic group. As you go through this article, you will begin to see lots of interesting facts about them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Ekoi Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Culture

When it comes to culture, the people of Ekoi have a very rich cultural heritage. It includes different aspects like music, dance, art and other interesting aspects that passes down from generation to generation.

2. Location

The Ekoi people predominantly inhabit southeastern Nigeria, primarily in Cross River and Akwa Ibom states. They also have communities in neighboring Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. One of the interesting facts about the people of Ekoi.

3. Ekpe Society is one of the Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group

The Ekoi people have a secret society known as Ekpe. It plays a very important role in their political and social life. It also serves as a form of governing body that is in charge of handling and resolving their issues. One of the interesting facts about the people of Ekoi.

4. Art

The Ekoi are skilful artisans, famous for their intricate terracotta sculptures and masks. These artifacts often depict human and animal forms and they hold cultural and spiritual significance.

5. Language

The Ekoi language belongs to the Niger-Congo language family and is relatable to the Ekoi people. It is known for its tonal nature and has various dialects within the ethnic group. One of the interesting facts about the people of Ekoi.

6. Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group

The Ekoi ethnic group in Nigeria is predominantly active in farming and cultivating crops such as yams, cassava, and maize. Agriculture remains a vital part of their livelihood, providing sustenance for their communities.

7. Festivals

They have very colourful masquerade festivals which are an integral part of the Ekoi culture. These festivals feature masked performers who embody ancestral spirits and perform traditional dances to entertain and invoke blessings.

8. Matrilineal Society

The Ekoi follow a matrilineal kinship system, where descent and inheritance are traced through the female line. Their women play significant roles in decision-making and the transmission of cultural values.

9. Religion is one of the Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group

Traditional religious beliefs and practices remain prevalent among the Ekoi people despite the fact that some of them have adopted Christianity or Islam. Ancestor worship, nature spirits, and divination are central aspects of their spiritual life.

10. Nka-Obong Shrine

The Nka-Obong shrine is a revered Ekoi religious site where important rituals and ceremonies take place. It serves as a place of worship and a symbol of cultural continuity for the Ekoi community.

11. Pottery

The Ekoi people, mostly women, are skilled in pottery making, creating functional and decorative clay pots while using traditional techniques. Pottery serves practical purposes such as food storage and also carries cultural symbolism.

12. Oral Tradition is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Ekoi Ethnic Group

Storytelling has a significant role in preserving Ekoi history and traditions. Through oral tradition, legends, myths, and folktales which are passed down, the cultural heritage of the people is sure to live on. This is one of the interesting facts about the people of Ekoi.

13. Traditional attire

The traditional Ekoi attire reflects their deep cultural identity. Men often wear loose-fitting garments with colourful patterns, while women adorn themselves with wrappers, blouses, and headgear made from vibrant fabrics.


There are so many interesting facts about the people of the Ekoi ethnic group in Nigeria that one can learn from. This article provides you with an opportunity to get a glimpse of the amazing culture.

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