How to Reject an Offer for Your Facebook Marketplace Account Item

Definitely, what You are going to get in this article is the complete guide on How to Reject an Offer on Facebook Marketplace. The Facebook marketplace is a cool platform to sell your goods and services. There are lots of people awaiting those products to make a purchase. When your sales are moving up, your business will be increasing.

How to Reject an Offer for Your Facebook Marketplace Item

At times, many customers make degrading offers but how to reject them might be a problem. It will never be a problem again if you go through this article. When you reject an offer on the Facebook marketplace, it cancels the deal between you and the buyer.

Even if you’ve accepted an offer, it could still be rejected only if the buyer hasn’t placed an order. It happens at times. You could still reject the offer if another bid is higher.

How to Accept Payment on Facebook Marketplace

Since you have the know-how on rejecting an offer on the Facebook marketplace, you can’t accept any payment after rejecting an offer. Moreover, Facebook doesn’t have anything to do with any transactions.

Thus, there are no charges for any transaction made. You can use PayPal or cash which is recommended by Facebook.

How to Respond to Someone on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook has made it easy to respond to your customers right on time. It is your responsibility to give quick feedback when an offer is made. Always respond immediately when you get a pending offer notification. You can either accept or reject it. As the case might be, you can as well make a negotiation with them as well

What Happens When You Accept an Offer on the Facebook Marketplace

When you accept an offer on the Facebook marketplace, it doesn’t mean it has been sold yet. The customer still needs to place an order. The buyer is given a period of time to place that order if not it is declined or rejected automatically.

Moreover, you can still reject an offer even if the offer was already accepted by you. As long as the order is not yet placed, it could still be rejected.

The Easy Way to Reject an Offer on the Facebook Marketplace

Are you wondering how to reject an offer on your Facebook marketplace account? Don’t get to worry as I would be taking step-by-step on how to do just that. Well, I would advise you not to be quick enough to reject an offer as a negotiation can be made.

During this process, you can both come to a deal and a purchase is made. Here is how to reject  an offer:

  1. Go to your order page
  2. At the top, you see a pending offer, click on the notification
  3. Click on the reject button

Once you’ve rejected that offer, it can’t be recovered. That deal is gone forever till another offer comes in. An offer stays pending for about five days and if there is no response, it automatically rejects it immediately. it is quite reasonable to leave a pending offer for about 3 days before rejecting it giving the customer time to place an order.

Nevertheless, if the customer still wastes time, then you can reject it.

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