How to Find the Boosted Listing on Your Facebook Marketplace Account

We will be showing you how to find your Boosted Listing on Facebook Marketplace. But first, did you know that the average Facebook user spends 33 minutes per day on the platform. Yeah, it has a 93% rating among the most used marketing platforms in the world we live in today.

How to Find Your Facebook Marketplace Boosted Listing

Also, Facebook’s Ad revenue got a 56% increase during 2021 alone (reaching a total of $28.6 billion). Using Boosted Facebook listing has its advantages.

What is Boost Listing on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook boost listing is a type of Paid Advertisement feature that allows User to display their listing as an Ad to increase the amount of engagement their listing gets; it will help you sell faster.

– What Happens When You Boost Your Facebook Marketplace Listing

As you read earlier, when you boost your Facebook marketplace listings, you’re listing or listings become an Ad. Also, you get an increased audience engagement and which might help you sell your listings faster.

– Difference Between a Facebook Marketplace Ad and a Boosted Listing

While people think that both of them are the same or they just mix them up. Here, we will be highlighting the differences between them.

Firstly, a boosted post is a post from your timeline that you can apply for money in order to boost it to appear in your audience’s Facebook feed as an ad. While a Facebook ad is more like a campaign created in the Facebook ads manager. Another is Facebook ads are a lot more complex than boosted posts.

How to Find Your Facebook Marketplace Boosted Listing

Where Can I Find My boosted posts on Facebook? We’ve got alto of people asking us this question, here you’ll find answers to the questions in easy detail.

To find your Facebook boosted listings.

  • Log in to your Facebook account.
  • Go to your Facebook page.
  • On the left-hand corner, click on Ad centre.
  • In the drop-down menu, click All Ads.

Also, you can see individual insights on the results of your listings, to see how far your listing has gone. To vfind the results of your Facebook Marketplace boosted listings.

  • Log in to your Facebook account.
  • Go to your Facebook page.
  • On the left-hand corner, click on Ad centre.
  • In the drop-down menu, click All Ads.
  • Find the listing you want to see results on and click View Results.

After you boost a listing, your main goal is to sell that product to a lot of people and fast. So, when all the boosted item has been sold-out or bought, you won’t be able to see them anymore in your Facebook marketplace.


To end this article, we are confident that this article has helped you with your questions if you completed the article. Also, you must have a Facebook Marketplace to boost your listings.

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