Are you looking for that perfect prayer for your Fiancee in the new year? You are in the right place. These prayer points here are designed solely for the needs relevant to your Fiancee’s life. This post will bring some Happy New Year Prayers for Your Fiancee.
13 Happy New Year Prayers for Your Fiancee in 2024
You can Wish your Fiancee a happy New Year in January with prayer, and here you see some fantastic prayers you can send her.
1. Prayer for Peace
A prayer for peace for your Fiancee in the new year. “May God grant you all-around peace. May he calm every storm around your life and give you victory in all your battles. Happy New Year”.
2. Prayer for Fruitfulness
“You shall be fruitful and not barren, your womb shall produce and not be a desolate land. And not just biologically, you will be fruitful all around. Happy New Year”.
3. Prayer for Understanding Can be One of the Happy New Year Prayers for Your Fiancee
A prayer for understanding for your Fiancee in the new year. “I pray that in this new year, may God grant us the grace to understand each other better. To be able to put ourselves in each other’s shoes and act accordingly. Amen”.
4. Prayer for Joy
“May God give you joy unspeakable, that joy that no circumstances or situation can have the ability to take away from you. It shall be like a floodgate is opened for you. Amen”.
5. Prayer for Satisfaction
“May you be satisfied early, everything that you are looking for in the new year, may it enter your hands speedily. You will not live a dissatisfied life.
6. Prayer for Love Can be Among the Happy New Year Prayers for Your Fiancee
A prayer for love for your Fiancee in the new year. “May we experience love for one another like never before. May our bond grow stronger and stronger. Let nothing come between us. Amen”.
7. Prayer for Safety
“May the hand of God shield you from every kind of danger. You are preserved. No evil will come near you or around your loved ones. Happy New Year”.
8. Prayer for a Job
“In this new year, that job that you have been expecting and praying for is yours in Jesus’ name. You will no longer be unemployed in this new year. Amen”.
9. Prayer for Promotion Can be One of the Happy New Year Prayers for Your Fiancee
“I pray that that long-awaited promotion enters your hand in this new year. You will move from that level to the next one in Jesus’ name.”
10. Prayer for a Raise
A prayer for a raise in your place of work in the new year for your Fiancee. “I pray that that raise you have been praying for happens for you in the new year. May you begin to reap the fruits of your labour in Jesus name. Happy new year”.
11. Prayer for Good friends
“In this new year, I pray that you will be surrounded with only the right kind of friends. May God expose and remove anyone posing as your friend but with wrong intentions in Jesus name”.
12. Prayer for Integrity Can be Among the Happy New Year Prayers for Your Fiancee
“I pray for the grace for Integrity. May you be a person of your words and commitments. Trustworthy and reliable in this new year and beyond. Happy new year”.
13. Prayer for Sound Health
“Concerning your health this new year, you will not be sick; no disease shall come near your body. You shall grow from strength to strength in Jesus’ name. Happy New Year.
What a way to start a new year. It’s incredible that someone you love is praying and looking out for you.
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