18 Happy New Year Prayer for Your Neighbour in January 2024

In this article, you will see new month prayer options and points for your neighbour. We believe that in this write-up, you will see a prayer that will cause a positive change in your neighbour’s life.

18 Happy New Year Prayer for Your Neighbour in January

9 New Year Prayer for Your Male Neighbour in January

The following are some of the New Year prayers for your neighbour in January:

1. Victory

I pray that God will fight your battles for you. Hence, victory will be constant. So, go out and claim your victory. And I wish you the best in this new month of January.

2. Success

As you go through this new year, success is your portion. Also, you will get to see the success of your loved ones. So shall it be in this new year.

3. Love another New Year Prayer for your Neighbour in January

In this new year, the grace to love and to be loved is yours. You will love your family, and your family will love you.

4. Perseverance

I pray that this coming year, God will grant you the ability to persevere and pull through no matter what happens. And, in the end, you will reap your reward.

5. Optimism

The ability to look at things positively, to see the possibility for growth even in negativity, is yours. Also, you will be able to act and grow

6. Testimony is Another New Year Prayer for your Neighbour in January

Testimony will not leave your mouth. Great and marvellous things will constantly happen in your life. In addition, your testimonies will lead others to God

7. Blessing

May the Lord continually bless you and your family in all ways. Also, you will become a blessing to those around you.

8. Prayer against Stagnancy

From now on, I declare you will continue to move forward and never back in the positive areas of your life. I strip stagnancy from your life.

9. Wisdom is a January Prayer for your Neighbour in the New Year 

Happy New Year! The wisdom of the Lord will constantly be with you and help you wherever you may be

9 New Year Prayer for Your Female Neighbour in January

1. Breakthrough

In this new year, you and your family will see one breakthrough after another. Your load will be broken. And you will be free

2. Quiet time

Happy New Year to you and your family. I pray that you will create time to spend just you and God in this new year.

3. The ability to draw people to God is among the New Year Prayer points for your Neighbour

The ability to deliver the souls around you from the hand of darkness, let it be yours. For instance, through singing, dancing, or any other way, you will guide people to the kingdom of God

4. Provision

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. The Lord will supply all your needs. Also, the needs of those close to you

5. Protection

The Lord will keep you under his wings, and you will dwell in his secret place. Moreover, your family will be in his secret place. Wherever you may be, the Lord will protect you

6. Good health is a New Year Prayer for your Neighbour in January

Good health is yours this month and beyond. And so shall it be. No more sickness, no pain, only good health provided by the Father.

7. Prayer to finish well

You will spend your race well. You will not fall during the race or get tired halfway, and you will finish it excellently. Also, you will carry others to the finish

8. Prayer against weapons of the enemy

Every weapon of the enemy fashioned against you and your family is now shattered and destroyed; they will never prosper.

9. Favor is Another Prayer for your Neighbour in the New Year of January

In this new month, you will receive favour wherever you go. In addition, favour from God and man. Also, check here for other New Year prayer points in January.


Prayer is a key that can open, so maybe doorways are used right. Therefore, our prayer has to hit a target before it can do things in our lives. That’s why we pray your prayers get answered.

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