Are you looking for the perfect kind of prayer message to send to your uncle in the new month of June? Prayers that tell the kind of things that are in your heart for him?
We have a list of awesome prayers that you can send to him this coming new month of June that will make the month special and show him that you care about him and all that concerns him.
15 Happy New Month Prayer to Send to Your Uncle in June 2023
You can Wish your Uncle a Happy New Month in June with prayer and here you see some amazing prayers you can send him.
1. Joy
May the joy of the Lord that passes all understanding be your portion. And, may everything that is targeted at your joy in this season be destroyed by the power of God. Happy new month.
2. Strength
As your days continue to increase, so will your strength. You will not grow weary or weak. You shall go from strength to strength in all areas of your life. Also, a powerful new month prayer to send to your uncle in June.
3. Faith: New Month Prayer to Send to Your Uncle in June
May your eyes begin to open more and more to the knowledge of God so that your faith in his word and promises will continue to wax stronger and stronger. Happy new month.
4. Victory
I decree and declare that as you step into this new month, everything in your way that has been proving difficult or hard to overcome, you shall begin to experience victory over it in this season.
5. Stability
I pray for you today, that every situation around you that is unstable, may it become stable. Also, I come against every spirit that is causing you to move back and forth. From this moment on, you will begin to move forward only. Amen.
6. Prayer for Clarity is on the List of new Month Messages to Send to your Uncle
Hence, I pray for clarity. Everything in your life that you don’t understand or anything that is causing confusion, I pray that it is clarified from this new month forward. No more confusion in Jesus’ name. Amen.
7. Success
Everything that is standing in your way of success, I decree that it is uprooted and destroyed by the power of Jesus Christ. Also, you will be above only and never beneath. The top is where you belong.
8. Peace
In this season, everything that is causing pain, chaos, confusion or any issue at all, may the power of God that calms the storm step in and give you peace on all sides. Happy new month.
9. Open doors is Among the prayer Points to send to Your uncle this New Month of June
I decree and declare open doors, like the word of God says, “I have set before you an open door and none shall shut it”. And, may you begin to step into open doors that you didn’t even imagine possible. Happy new month.
10. Fruitfulness
You are fruitful, everything you lay hands on shall begin to experience unimaginable multiplication. There shall be nothing in your life that is barren. Happy new month.
11. Longevity
You will live long, you will not be cut short prematurely. Every agenda or power of darkness that is fighting your longevity is destroyed by fire. You will not die before your time.
12. Wealth: New Month Prayer to Send to Your Uncle in June
May you step into the realm of riches untold. Doors of opportunity shall begin to open to you on all sides. You shall be blessed until you become a blessing. Also, you will lend to many and not borrow. So, happy new month to you uncle.
13. Fulfilment
I pray that as you journey through life, may you find real fulfilment. However, the kind of fulfilment that does not come from material things or men but the kind that comes from God alone.
14. Integrity
The grace to uphold integrity be granted unto you in this season. I pray against the spirit of compromise no matter the situation you find yourself in. The grace and help to stand upright even if it means standing alone. Amen.
15. Prayer to be Patience is Also one of the New Month Messages to Send to Your Uncle in June
May the Lord grant you the patience and endurance to wait on him till his promises to you come to pass. Hence, I pray that you will not grow weary and begin to seek alternatives. Happy new month.
Don’t let the opportunity to send wonderful prayer messages to your uncle in this new month pass you by because you don’t know what to send to him as a prayer. So, do not worry about that because we’ve got the best prayers for you to send to him.
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