The Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta in short “FUNAAB” 2021 Notice on Prohibition of Indecent Dressing is what this article is all about. Details about the notice are given below.
The management of the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB) has released a Notice to vacate for its Students on Prohibition of Indecent Dressing. All students of the above-named institution are to take note of the details officially released below.
FUNAAB 2021 Notice on Prohibition of Indecent Dressing
The Student Affairs Division has noted with dismay the unabated and increasing rate of indecent dressing in the University Campus. The Division frowns at this indiscriminate mode of dressing by students.
Consequently, students are to note that the following dressing/appearance are prohibited in the University Campus;
Fastening of Male trousers below the waistline i.e sagging/Exposure of the upper part of the body
Wearing of slippers within the campus
Long and bushy hair
Tattoo/body marks
Tinted hair etc.
Bogus ear-ring
Strapless dresses and spaghetti strap
Revealing dresses/clothes
Tinted hair
Tattoo/body marks
Unnecessary long nails
Ankle chain
Nose ring etc.
Any student found violating any of the afore-mentioned mode of dressing shall be sanctioned in accordance with the Rules and Regulations on Dress code as approved by Senate.