FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023-2024 (€5,000 prize) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023. Details about the Program are given below.

FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023 - 2024

About FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023

Harness your creativity and expertise to develop groundbreaking technologies for a sustainable future. Our fourth annual Hackathon is here, and this time we’re tackling the challenges of greywater recycling for sustainable agriculture and kitchen gardening.

 The “Greywater Recycling for Sustainable Agriculture and Kitchen Gardening” hackathon aims to promote technological innovation and solutions for treating and recycling greywater from households to support sustainable agriculture and kitchen gardening. Greywater, which typically includes wastewater from sinks, showers, laundry, and baths, can be a valuable resource when properly treated and repurposed for irrigation, reducing water wastage and the need for freshwater in agriculture. Particularly this Hackathon 4 will entail four focus areas inclusive of: a) Grey Water Treatment Technologies; b) Smart Irrigation Systems, c) Sensor and Monitoring Solutions; and d) Community Engagement and Education

Program Details

Participants in this hackathon can choose from the following key areas of focus:

Greywater Treatment Technologies: Innovators can develop cost-effective and efficient greywater treatment systems that can safely clean and disinfect greywater for agricultural use. They could also explore innovative methods for purifying greywater, such as filtration, biological treatment, and disinfection techniques. Innovators could as well, under this focus area, consider sustainability, energy efficiency, and ease of maintenance in treatment system designs.

Smart Irrigation Systems: Under this focus area, innovators can create advanced irrigation systems that can be controlled and optimized to distribute treated greywater to kitchen gardens and small farms. They will explore possibilities of incorporating automation and data-driven solutions to optimize water distribution, enhancing plant growth and minimizing water usage as well as design user-friendly interfaces for controlling irrigation systems.

Sensor and Monitoring Solutions: Innovators will be invited to design and develop sensors and monitoring tools that help users track the quality of treated greywater while ensuring that the treated greywater meets the necessary standards for safe agricultural use. The innovation should explore real-time monitoring and reporting solutions to ensure ongoing water quality.

Community Engagement and Education: Under this focus area, innovators will be invited to develop outreach programs, educational materials, and awareness campaigns to promote the adoption of greywater recycling for agriculture within communities. This focus area further emphasizes the benefits of sustainable water use, environmental conservation, and resource efficiency. The innovation should provide for community involvement and cooperation in implementing greywater recycling practices.


Participants have the chance to win prizes and gain recognition for their contributions to water conservation, water treatment and sustainable agriculture.

The Hackathon winner will be awarded € 5,000 (Five Thousand Euros). Furthermore, the first prize will be implemented in one of the FINISH Mondial countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda). The first runners up will be awarded with € 3,000 (Three Thousand Euros) while the second runners up will be awarded € 1,000 (One Thousand Euros). During the announcement of the winners there will be popular vote award of € 1,000 (One Thousand Euros)

FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023 Application

For those interested in FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 28 February 2024.

Open this link for more details about FINISH Mondial Annual San Tech Hackathon 2023.

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