This is to inform the public about the Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti (FEDPOLYADO) HND Evening Programme Admission Form for 2021/2022 Session. Details about the form are given below.
The Institution’s Management of Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti has released its HND Evening Programme Admission Form for the 2021/2022 Academic Session. Interested candidates can now purchase the HND Evening Programme Admission Form. Expect the details about the form officially released below.
About the Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti 2021/2022 HND Evening Programme Admission Form
Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for admission to Higher National Diploma (Morning and Evening) Programmes for the 2021/2022 Academic Session leading to the award of Higher National Diploma in the underlisted programmes.
Programmes Available
a) Agricultural Technology (OPTIONS BELOW)
- Animal Production
- Agricultural Extension and Management
- Crop Production
a) Accountancy
b) Banking and Finance
c) Business Administration and Management
d) Marketing
e) Office Technology and Management
f) Procurement and Supply Chain Management
a) Agricultural and Bio-environmental Engineering
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Soil and Water
- Post Harvest
b) Civil Engineering Technology
c) Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology
- Power and Machines
- Electronics and Telecomm. Engineering
d) Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Plant and Power Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
e) Minerals and Petroleum Resources Engineering
- Geological Engineering
- Mineral Engineering
- Mining Engineering
a) Architectural Technology
b) Building Technology
c) Estate Management
d) Quantity Surveying
e) Surveying and GeoInformatics
f) Urban and Regional Planning
a) Computer Science
b) Food Technology
c) Glass & Ceramic Technology
- Glass
- Ceramic
d) Statistics
f) Science Laboratory Technology
- Applied Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Physics with Electronics
Applicants should possess:
(i) National Diploma (ND) with at least Lower Credit in the Course/Programme of choice and five (5) relevant Credits including English Language and Mathematics at the SSCE/NECO/GCE or NABTEB O’Level in not more than two (2) sittings.
(ii) Any applicant with NABTEB (NTC) for Courses in the School of Engineering (SOE) and School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT), must in addition to the five (5) O’level subjects above possess a core subject from the Trade Related Area (TRA), and not Book Keeping, Commerce, Principles of Accounts, or Secretariat Studies etc. While applicants applying for Business related Courses can use NABTEB (NBC). For avoidance of doubt, NABTEB Business Certificate (NBC) is not accepted in the School of Engineering and School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology.
(iii) Applicants are advised to visit the Polytechnic Website to avail themselves of the requisite entry requirements for the National Diploma (ND) of each programme that make them prima-facie qualified for the HND programmes.
2.2 a minimum of one (1) year post ND cognate work experience (Industrial Training) in addition to 2.1.
However, applicants with PASS grade at the National Diploma (ND) must have minimum of two (2) years post ND cognate work
Applicants seeking for admission to The Federal Polytechnic, Ado- Ekiti are required to complete the Institution’s application form available on-line from Monday, 25 October, 2021.
– Application Form
(i) A p p l i c a n ts s h o u l d v isi t t h e P o l y t e c h n i c We b si t e , to generate and print application payment invoice.
(ii) Upon printing of invoice applicants can proceed to any bank of their choice alongside with the invoice generated and make payment of thirteen thousand naira (N13,000.00) only (Administrative charges inclusive) on the remita platform.
(iii) Applicants can also make payment with their debit card (Master Card, Visa Card and Verve Card) following the instructions on the invoice generation page.
(iv) After payment applicants should revisit the School Portal and fill their application form using the RRR number on the payment invoice (slip). The invoice and the RRR must be in the Candidates’ name.
(v) Applicants should endeavour to print their acknowledgement slip after filling the application form.
Applicants are to please note that the application for admission will close on Monday, 31 January, 2022.
(i) Applicants should also ensure that the transcripts of their Academic Records are forwarded directly by their former Institutions to reach;
The Registrar,
The Federal Polytechnic,
P.M.B. 5351, Ado-Ekiti.
not later than the closing date indicated above.
(ii) The Polytechnic is not bound to process the application forms of applicants whose:
(a) transcripts are not received on due date or who submit them by hand;
(b) forms are not properly completed and received after the closing date;
(c) National Diploma (ND) Statement of Result reads April, 2021 or later, for applicants with grade of Lower Credit and above.
(d) National Diploma (ND) Statement of Result reads April, 2020 or later, for applicants with grade of Pass.
(e) all applications with false details will be rejected.
Applicants are advised to carefully read through their forms before submission.
For any enquiries call: 23480-8041-5584, 23480-7590-2888, 23490- 2594-5943 or send an email to:,
a d m issi o n s u n i t f e d p o l y a d o e k i t i @ g m a i l . c o m or