List of Countries that can Use the Facebook Marketplace Checkout Feature in 2022

The checkout feature has so many uses on the Facebook marketplace and it is not available to all countries. There are things to take note of when trying to make use of the checkout feature on the marketplace. So, this post will show You the Countries that can Use the Facebook Marketplace Checkout Feature.

Facebook Marketplace Checkout; Countries that can Use it 2022

When you want to buy or sell something by making use of the checkout feature on the Facebook marketplace, be sure to first note if it is available in the country you are located, which will help you know if you can use have access to the feature on the marketplace.

Note: checkout feature requires you to meet all the commerce eligibility requirements, have a Facebook shop and follow the commerce policies of the Facebook marketplace

Countries that can Use Checkout Feature on Facebook Marketplace

Definitely, what You will get here are the Countries that can use the Facebook Marketplace Checkout feature as people are looking for them.

The checkout feature is only available for users in the United States of America (USA). So, it’s not yet available for use in other countries. The checkout feature involves you shopping for items directly online from the Facebook marketplace shop. Whatever you buy will be delivered to the address you fill on your mail.

To make use of checkout from the Facebook marketplace in the USA requires :

  • All the items you put up for sale with checkout on the Facebook marketplace are available for door-to-door shipping to different countries.
  • there is security for sign-up and checkout processes when shopping for items on the marketplace.
  • Only the information that is necessary to process the data for shipping items to other countries should be taken.
  • Sales tax must be clearly stated in your account level setting to make use of the checkout feature.
  • Since the checkout feature on the Facebook marketplace is only available in the US, if you are selling make sure the language on your site is the same as the language of the countries of sale. Use the approved language throughout the checkout process.
  • After setting up a shop you can choose where your buyer is to complete their purchase, either on your own website or on the Facebook marketplace.

Why People in the USA Are Relenting on Using the Checkout Feature on Facebook Marketplace

People in the US are backing out from using the checkout feature for the following reasons:

  1. Some people do not trust the app with their credit card information. That’s why they relent in using the checkout feature from the Facebook marketplace.
  2. They complain that the process of using the checkout features on the Facebook marketplace is too long. This is why they do not use it for buying and selling items to other countries.
  3. There are other complaints that the shipping fee and tax fee cost are way too high using the checkout process on the Facebook marketplace.
  4. Most times while using the checkout on the marketplace of Facebook, the credit cards sometimes decline when trying to make payments.
  5. Delivery sometimes can be too slow.


The United States of America is the only country that can make use of the checkout feature from the Facebook marketplace. Where you will be needing a US account and business address to set up your Facebook shop, the feature is not yet available in other countries.

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