This post will be giving the general public and all interested candidates who wish to run a postgraduate degree program at Covenant University. A detailed list of Covenant University Postgraduate Courses. If you wish to get your Postgraduate degree at Covenant University, then it is important to know all the courses offered at the institution before you apply so you do not apply for a course that is not offered.
List of Covenant University Postgraduate Courses
The information below contains a complete list of Covenant University postgraduate courses that the management of the institution has advertised for its 2020/2021 academic session admission exercise. See below for the complete list of postgraduate courses.
College of Business & Social Sciences
1. Department of Accounting
Programme: Accounting
Degree in View: M.SC, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Corporate Governance
- Management Information Systems
- International Governance
- Auditing
- Financial Reporting
- Taxation
- Oil and Gas Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Environmental Accounting
- Public Sector Accounting
Specific Requirements:
For the Accounting Programme, a candidate is required to have a degree(s) in Accounting. Possession of final professional certificates (ICAN, ACCA, CPA, etc.) will be considered as an added advantage to the candidate.
2. Department of Banking & Finance
– Programme: Finance
Degree in view: M.Sc, M.Sc/ACIB (weekend), M.Phil/Ph.D., Ph.D.
Areas of Specialization:
- Public Sector Finance
- Banking Operations
- Financial Development
- Corporate Finance
- International Finance
Specific Requirements:
Candidates are required to possess degrees in Accounting, Economics or Business Administration in order to be considered for the programme.
2. Department of Business Management
– Programme: Business Administration
Degree in View: MBA, M.Sc, M.Phil/PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Organisational Behaviour
- Management
- Organisational Politics/Corporate Governance
- International Business
- International Management
- Operations Management
- Strategic Management
– Programme: Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management
Degree in View: M.Sc, MBA, M.Phil/Ph.D., Ph.D.
Areas of Specialization:
- Employee Relations
- Human Resource Development
- Performance Management
- Compensation Management
- Conflict Management
- Recruitment/Selection
- International HRM
- Strategic HRM
- Human Resource Information System
Specific requirements:
Candidates who possess degree(s) in other business-related disciplines such as Accounting, Actuarial Science, and Finance may be considered for admission.
– Programme: Marketing
Degree in View: M.Sc, MBA, M.Phil/Ph.D., Ph.D.
Areas of Specialization
- Service Marketing
- Product/Brand Management
- Political Marketing
- Digital/Contemporary Marketing
- Logistics/Distribution Management
- International Marketing
- Consumer Behaviour
- Marketing Information Systems/Research
4. Department of Economic & Development Studies
– Programme: Economics
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Resource and Energy Economics
- Monetary and Financial Economics
- Microeconomics and Informal Sector Economy
- Land and Agricultural Economics
- International Economics
- Institutional Economics
- Health and Labour Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Dynamic Macroeconomics
- Development Economics
– Programme: Demography and Social Statistics
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/PhD, PhD
Areas of Specialization
- Demographic Analysis
- Social Statistics
- Population and Development
- Family Planning and Reproductive Health
- Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
- Menโs Reproductive Health
- Gender and Sexual Health
- Fertility and Mortality Studies
- Ageing
- Social Marketing and Development
- Migration and Internally Displayed Persons
- Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
- Programmes Monitoring and Evaluation
5. Department of Mass Communication
– Programme: Mass Communication
Degree in View: M.Sc, PhD
– Areas of Specialization: M.Sc
- Advertising and Marketing Communication
- Broadcast (Radio, Television, and Film)
- Print/Online Journalism (Newspaper and Magazine)
- Public Relations/Public Affairs
– Areas of Specialization: PhD
- Journalism
- Media, Communication and Cultural Studies
6. Department of Sociology
– Programme:ย Sociology
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Social Problems
- Military Sociology
- Sociology and Media Studies
- Sociology of Education
- Criminology and Security studies
- Urban Sociology
- Gerontology
- Political Sociology
- Sociology of Entrepreneurship
- Sociology of Development
- Medical Sociology
- Cultural Studies
- Rural Sociology
- Political Sociology
- Industrial Sociology
- Family and Reproductive Health
- Population Studies
- Gender and Development Studies
College of Science and Technology
1. Department of Architecture
– Programme: Architecture
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Architectural History and Theory
- Application of Computer Systems in Architecture
- Gender Issues in Architecture
- Informal Settlements and Community Initiative
- Architectural Practice
- Indigenous Building and Material Studies
- Sustainable Architecture
- Architectural Psychology
- Architectural Education
- Housing Studies
2. Department of Biochemistry
– Programme: Biochemistry
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Oncology and Cancer Research
- Environmental and Toxicological Biochemistry
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Industrial Biochemistry
- Pharmacology and Medical Plant Research
- Food and Nutritional Biochemistry
- Enzymology
3. Department of Biological Sciences
– Programme: Biology (Applied Biology & Biotechnology)
Degree in View: M.Sc, MPhil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Animal and Environmental Biology
- Eco-toxicology
- Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- Parasitology
- Biosystematics and Cytogenetics
- Plant genetics and Breeding
- Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Immunology
- Mycology
- Plant Virology
- Industrial Microbiology
- Environmental/Petroleum Microbiology
- Food Microbiology
- Medical Microbiology/Parasitology
4. Department of Building Technology
– Programme: Building Technology
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Building Structure
- Facility Management
- Maintenance Management
- Building Services
- Construction Management
5. Department of Chemistry
– Programme: Industrial Chemistry
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
6. Department of Computer & Information Sciences
– Programme: Computer Science
Degree in view: M.Sc, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Networking
- Machine Learning
- Cybercrime Security/Digital Forensic
- Data Mining
- Mobile Computing
- Bioinformatics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering
– Programme: Management Information System (MIS)
Degree in View: M.Sc, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Big data Analysis
- Cybercrime Security/Digital Forensic
- Mobile Computing
- E-Commerce Research
- Information System
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering
- Health Informatics
- Data Communication
- Data Communication/Network
7. Department of Estate Management
– Programme: Estate Management
Degree in View: M.Sc, PhD
8. Department of Mathematics
– Programme: Industrial Mathematics
Degree in View: M.Sc, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Fluid Mechanics
- Dynamics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Processes and Applications
- Stochastic Analysis and Applications
- Operations Research
- Functional Analysis
- Financial Mathematics
- Differential Equations (ODE, PDE & SDE)
- Optimization
- Numerical Methods/Analysis
9. Department of Physics
– Programme: Industrial Physics
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Applied Geophysics
- Radiation and Health Physics
- Renewable Energy and Material Physics
- Atmospheric and Communication Physics
College of Leadership Development Studies
1. Department of Psychology
– Programme: Counselling
Degree in View: M.A, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Trauma Counselling
- Gerontology Counselling
- Pastoral Counselling
- Rehabilitative Counselling
- School Counselling
- Family and Marital Counselling
- Career Counselling
– Programme: Psychology
Degree in View: M.Sc, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Forensic Psychology
- Assessment Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Counseling Psychology
2. Department of Political Science and International Relations:
– Programme: International Relations
Degree in View: M.Sc, MPhil/Ph.D., PhD
– Programme: Political Science
Degree in View: M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
– Programme: Public Administration
Degree in View: M.Sc, MPA, MPhil/Ph.D., PhD
MPA: Areas of Specialization
- Personnel Management
- Public Policy and Administration
3. Department of Languages
– Programme: English
Degree in View: M.A, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Literature
- Language
College of Engineering
1. Department of Chemical Engineering
– Programme: Chemical Engineering:
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil/Ph.D., PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Transport and Separation Process
- Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Thermodynamics
- Energy and Renewable Energy
2. Department of Civil Engineering
– Programme: Civil Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Highway and Transportation Engineering
- Geo-Technical Engineering
- Structural and Materials Engineering
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
3. Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
– Programme: Computer Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, PhD
Areas of Specialization
- Cyber Security
- Biometrics
- Machine Intelligence
– Programme: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Renewable Energy
- Power and Machines
– Programme: Information and Communication Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil/PhD
Areas of Specialization
- Cyber Security
- IOT & Embedded Systems
- Wireless Communications
- Satellite Communication
4. Department of Mechanical Engineering
– Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, PhD
Areas of Specialization:
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
- Materials/ Metallurgical Engineering
- Thermo fluid /Energy System
- Machine Design and Production Technology
5. Department of Petroleum Engineering
– Programme:ย Petroleum Engineering
Degree in View: M.Eng, M.Phil, PhD
Areas of Specialization: M.Eng
- Drilling Engineering
- Petroleum Economics
- Petroleum Production Engineering
- Reservoir Engineering
Areas of Specialization: M.Phil, PhD
- Petroleum Production Management
- Reservoir Engineering