15 Books to Read This Year in January 2023 That Will Make You Rich | No. 7’s a Must Read

That information you need to read to start your journey of becoming rich this January has already been written down by someone. You just have to find it. Getting rich is almost everyone’s dream but very few take steps to actualise this dream. So, this post will bring some Books to Read This Year in January 2023 That Will Make You Rich.

15 Books to Read This Year in January  That Will Make You Rich

15 Books to Read This Year in January 2023 That Will Make You Rich

What You will get here are ten books to read in January that will help re-orientate you and they can also make You rich. So, below You will get to know the books without wasting much time.

1. The Four

This book gives detailed information on different kinds of thinking that lead to productivity. Before you can start your way up this journey of becoming rich, you will have to change your mindset.

2. The Intelligent Investor

This is one of the great books to read this January to get rich. It is referred to as “the best book on investing ever written”. It was written in 1949 and is still very useful in today’s world of investments.

3. Principles: Life and Work Can be One of the Books to Read This Year in January  That Will Make You Rich

If you want to start your journey on how to get rich this January, this should be one of the books you’ll be looking to read. The book teaches everything you need to know about building a successful life. It shares how to cultivate positive outcomes in everything you do.

4. The Millionaire Next Door

This is one of the materials to read that teaches you about riches. The book aims at teaching individuals that anyone can become rich, they only have to be willing to do the needful.

5. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits

Such a book is a necessity if you are looking to read your way up. It discusses the importance of evaluating the company’s management team before investing your money.

6. Business Adventures Can be Among the Books to Read This Year in January  That Will Make You Rich

When Warren Buffett was asked what his favourite book is, he said “Business Adventures by John Brooks”. The most successful companies in the world are discussed on the pages of this book.

7. Think and Grow Rich

One of the books on the list of books to read this January if you want to become rich. One of the best and oldest books to read about investing. Sold more than 100 million copies over the years.

8. The Essays of Warren Buffett

This is one of those books that you read if you want to change your mindset about wealth. It unveils his various business decisions of Buffet and why he is considered the most intelligent and successful investor.

9. The Millionaire FastLane Can be One of the Books to Read This Year in January  That Will Make You Rich

The book has become one of the best because of its emotionally engaging story. It is based on the true life experience of DeMarco. How he was able to move from rags to riches despite his very unseeing productive background.

10. The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need

Another great book on the list of books to read to get rich this January. One of the explicit insights on the dos and don’ts of investment. The book was updated to a newer version in 2016 after it has stayed for some decades to suit the realities of today’s economy.

11. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

It provides insights into the value of financial literacy as the only key to successfully getting rich and staying rich. Robert explains that the school system isn’t designed to make anyone rich but to keep everyone working hard and endlessly.

12. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing Can be Among the Books to Read This Year in January  That Will Make You Rich

Another of the such insightful book to read on the journey of getting rich in this month of January. Bogle created the world’s first index fund. He has a lot to offer beginners in the world of financial investments.

13. Rule #1

It helps you discover why your savings accounts are not the best way to protect your money. Town offers an in-depth education on the rules of investing.

14. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

This is one of the books on the list to read this January to get rich. It explains that the way you think determines how much risk you’ll take, which connections you’ll make and which opportunities you’ll notice.

15. A Random Walk Down Wall Street Can be One of the Books to Read This Year in January  That Will Make You Rich

The book identifies that the stock market can be very random and unpredictable. It explains the need to develop a long-term strategy in investing while keeping the randomness and unpredictability of the space in mind.


You are one piece of information away from the next level in your financial journey, Don’t limit yourself. Make use of the list of books carefully selected here for the purpose of achieving your wealth goals. Start today, you’ll be grateful you did.

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