This post will be giving detailed information to the general public about the Benson Idahosa University in short “BIU” Resumption Date for 2020/2021 Academic Session. commencement of academic activities at Benson Idahosa would soon begin and as such the resumption date for the 2020/2021 has been announced by the school management.
Students and staffs of the Benson Idahosa University (BIU) are to be informed that the management of the institution has announced the resumption date for the continuation the academic session of 2020/2021.
Benson Idahosa University Resumption Date
The Benson Idahosa University is aware of and is monitoring the impact of a new strain of the COVID-19 which includes the NCDC and government/NUC pronouncements. This is expected to inform the institutions latest position on the resumption.
The new resumption guidelines includes:
- January 11th, 2021 โ Resumption of all staff
- January 18th, 2021 โ Resumption of all students
all the students are expected to note that the following dates would be further modified due to the on new NCDC as the pronouncements of the governments.
the institutions is wishing you a safe and are looking forward to welcoming you back to campus when the would reopen starting from the 17th, 2021.