Arthur Jarvis University (AJU) 4th Matriculation Ceremony Schedule 2019/2020 Academic Session | CHECK NOW

The Arthur Jarvis University matriculation ceremony for the 2019/2020 academic session has been announced. This post will be giving the general public and all students detailed information about the Arthur Jarvis University Matriculation Ceremony Schedule for the 2019/2020 Academic Session. To know all details about the ceremony, keep reading until the end.

Arthur Jarvis University (AJU) 4th Matriculation Ceremony Schedule 2019/2020 Academic Session | CHECK NOW

The management of Arthur Jarvis University (AJU) Akpabuyo, Calabar, Cross Rivers State is using this medium to inform the general public and the university community that it has announced the fourth matriculation ceremony schedule for the 2019/2020 academic session for newly admitted students.

Arthur Jarvis University Matriculation Ceremony Schedule

The fourth matriculation ceremony for newly admitted students of Arthur Jarvis University has been scheduled by the school management as follows:

  • Date: Friday, October 16, 2020.
  • Venue: University Multi-Purpose Hall.
  • Time: 9:00am

Parents, Guardians as well as well-wishers are advised to watch the ceremony live as physical attendance will be restricted by the school authority in line with the precautionary measures against the spread of COVUD 19. The ceremony can be watched lice on the following social media platforms:

Watch on Facebook via this linkย 

Watch on Instagram via this linkย 

Watch on YouTube via this link